Baby Bumps may bump into Winter Allergies

New Delhi: Winter is fraught with allergies to bump expectant mothers, so experts advise them to take extra care to avert the impact. By an estimate, nearly a quarter of expectant mothers bump into winter induced allergies. In pregnancy, allergies are unpredictable; hence no chance could be taken.

With winter around, Dr. Archana Dhawan Bajaj, Gynaecologist & Obstetrician, Nurture IVF Centre shares winter advisories for expectant mothers. Dr. Bajaj informs, “During cold season immunity levels are low. Pregnant mothers undergoing several hormonal changes are already under stress. Cold only compounds the attendant problems. Expectant mothers become more prone to allergies”.

As winter starts complaints like dry skin, cough and cold, sour throat become common. However, during pregnancy, threat to winter allergies is more profound and need to take extra precaution and care. Environmental allergens are around you that can trigger with temperature drop. If you are allergic to dust, pollen, fungus and pet dander, then winter might cause a havoc.

Dr. Archana Dhawan Bajaj, Gynaecologist & Obstetrician, Nurture IVF Centre,has provided some tips adopting which would spare expectant mothers wintry allergies. They are as follow:

· Get an influenza vaccine in second or third trimester, when your immune system is weakest, to avoid seasonal viruses
· Keep special attention to your diet; avoid intake of any cold items
· Avoid household chemicals like paint & thinner, it can trigger allergic reactions
· If you are allergic to dust, then avoid it and get someone else to do the cleaning of your house
· Stay away from dust, pollens to protect yourself against allergies
· Cover extremities that may be prone to frostbite — ears, nose, chin, fingers, and toes
· Wear flat, well-gripped shoes
· Soak in a tepid bath, as hot water can increase dryness and leave you feeling itchy.
· Take frequent naps
· Keep smokers at bay: This is not only for allergies but passive smoking is bad for the expectant mother and the baby
· Stay away from pets: During pregnancy due to hormonal changes, immune system becomes extra sensitive to different allergens and that’s the reason, your pet companion for years may suddenly be sending you into a sneezing outbreak.
· Wear good layers of warm clothes
· Take more liquids and keep yourself hydrated

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