Delhi municipal corporation reports shows rise in Chikungunya cases, weekly reports shows total no of Chikungunya is 2625 and 1378 case of dengue this week, although mcd did not declare death claimed by Chikungunya. last week total no of case of dengue last week were 220 and new cases of Chikungunya were 1568, Director Delhi municipal Co-opration press and public relationship said chikungunya cases rise two times more then to ever, since last many year delhi is facing dengue menace, but this year mosquito Adies agypties attack is in form of chikungunya, as infection effects joint and severe pain to the body. Although Delhi municipal co-orporatin is doing anti mosquito drives in various area of delhi, school children is been said to concious over mosquito bites and all Goverment and private school are given advise to make it mandatory to wear full sleves shirt.